Gewinne ein Probierpaket von Spirulix!

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This is what you can win!
Snacks from Spirulix

As a winner, you will receive a package with 2 of our snack products (crackers, crunchy muesli and nougat) with a total value of €47!

Conditions of Participation

1. The competition runs until 11:59 p.m. on the last day of the event.

2. One package (consisting of 4 packs each of the following products: crunchy muesli, nougat, crackers) will be raffled off at every event where Spirulix is ​​an exhibitor.

3. Participation takes place by registering for the Spirulix newsletter using the above registration form. To participate, the confirmation for the opt-in for the newsletter must also be available.

4. Multiple registrations will be counted as a single entry.

5. Persons from Austria & Germany are eligible to participate.

6. The winners will be determined at random after the competition has ended.

7. Further information can be found in our data protection declaration.

8. The winners will be informed by email. Each winner must respond via email within 5 business days. If a winner does not register within this period, the prize will be raffled again among all participants.

9. All participants will be recorded and saved to determine the winner. Address data will only be recorded by the winners and will only be used to send the prize. The participants have statutory rights to information, changes and cancellation rights. Data that goes beyond the data you have provided yourself for registering for the newsletter will not be saved.

10. Legal recourse is excluded